This site serves as a space to post my various writings. These will range from poetry to stories and blurbs. There will be adult content and themes in a lot of these works. Please be mindful of this as you proceed. The author holds the copyright to all original works. Please do not share or repost without giving proper credit.



Elegy for Elizabeth

This was written when I was in New Tork for my grandmother’s funeral. It was derived of introspection and a desire to comfort my family. I lay now here, in your place,I worry for the time I forget your face—The way you say hello when you answer the phone,The smell that reminds me I am…


Untitled Throwback

Apparently I wrote this last year according to the note date. I think it may be older than that but I can’t remember from when. Rage, rage against it they sayAnd yet here in grief and sorrow I lay. That eternal darkness and silence comes swiftly now.A way to stop it, I know not how.  It…


Infant in a Wormhole

Sound.Smell.Zephyr.Space. Where are the barriers? Color.Shape.Ripple.Thrum.What’s going on? Prickle.Waver.Tremor.Pulse.Is everything ok? Prism.Mosaic.Umber.Haze.What was that? Sultry swelter.Glacial mist.Gauzy distortion.Vaporous voices.Who is that? Quaking.Aching.Horror.Alarm.What are you doing? Constrict.Convulse.Recoil.Rebuke.Stop it. Turmoil.Upheaval.Bedlam.Anarchy.Why is this happening? Clammy, sticky touch.Blunt force on bone.Tiny legs everywhere.Sour, bitter, dry.What is happening right now? Phantasmagoric obfuscation.Blood searing skin and vein.Acrid, miasmic cacophony.Self no more…



Would you truly call it easy If you yourself had the experience Of trading entropic status quoTo sink into the cthonic abyss? The lacuna of nihility is self,   Through that tenebrous landscape Down an ever more Stygian path,To the ineluctable conclusion of fate.  The palimpsest nature of existenceSissyphean and so definingRequires a certain sloughing off in reliefAs it…