Untitled Throwback

Apparently I wrote this last year according to the note date. I think it may be older than that but I can’t remember from when.

Rage, rage against it they say
And yet here in grief and sorrow I lay. 
That eternal darkness and silence comes swiftly now.
A way to stop it, I know not how. 

It will swallow me up, as it does all the dead.
But my heart still beats, doomed to suffer instead.s
Into chaos and solitude I was born,
Created to love, but doomed to mourn.

Such cacophony in my head but untouched my heart,
Struggling to immerse in it all, but still miles apart
But immersion brings the rage, and all the frustration.
Such evil and greed in the human population.

But through all the unrest and upset in the world,
Who would bother to notice one lonely little girl?

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